Surah Al-Waqiah

by Salisa

Books & Reference


We include transliteration, reading in roman / latin is to help rakan2 who are just learning or are not proficient in reading Quran recitation. Keep learning to act in order to read the Quran recitation by tajweed more accurate. Surah Al-Jathiya application is a simple application that we produce for easy reference so that we can read this chapter. The verses of Surah Al-Jathiya is based on the Koran Resam Uthmani. We also include the verses of Surah Al-Jathiya in Rumi spelling (transliteration) to those who need it.     Surah Al-Jathiya is Sura 56 in the Koran. It belongs sura surah surah (revealed in Mecca). Surah Al-Jathiya composed of 96 verses.    Surah Al-Jathiya describes the Day of Judgment, the consideration received by the believers and unbelievers. It also explains the creation of man, vegetation and fire, as proof of the power of God and the resurrection. We precede it with gratitude to all the users of the application of this Surah Al-Jathiya. We hope that many people can benefit from the application of this Surah Al-Jathiya. Aamiin ...